Table of Contents

Trout Unlimited — 2018/2019 PROGRESS REPORT

Welcome / Introduction

Bristol Bay

John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act

Headwaters of the Potomac

Cleaning up abandoned mines in Pennsylvania

Driftless Area projects focus on flood resiliency

Citizen science apps

Utah water leasing bill made permanent

Maintaining federal funding for the Chesapeake, Great Lakes, Delaware, Pacific coast salmon states

Taking out dams

Expansion of West Coast Sonar to measure adult salmon and steelhead populations

Playing defense

Partnering with the Nez Perce Tribe

Clean Water Rule

Focusing on the Great Lakes

California coastal streams

5 Rivers Native Fish Odyssey


Remote sensing: high-tech monitoring with satellites and drones

National Forest wood additions for brook trout

Upper Klamath restoration

Veterans Service Project